MV/HV Switchgear

MV Switchgear

From 3 KV to 36 KV switchgear system is categorized as medium voltage switchgear or MV switchgear. These switchgears are of many types. They may metal enclosed indoor type, metal enclosed outdoor type, outdoor type without metal enclosure, etc. The interruption medium of this switchgear may be oil, SF6 and vacuum. The main requirement of MV power network is to interrupt current during faulty condition irrespective of what type of CB is used in the MV switchgear system. Although it may be capable of functioning in other conditions also.

HV Switchgear

The power system deals with voltage above 36KV, is referred as high voltage switchgear. As the voltage level is high the arcing produced during switching operation is also very high. So, special care is to be taken during designing of high voltage switchgear. High voltage circuit breaker, is the main component of HV switchgear, hence high voltage circuit breaker (CB) should have special features for safe and reliable operation. Faulty tripping and switching operation of high voltage circuit are very rare. Most of the time these circuit breakers remain, at ON condition, and may be operated after a long period of time. So CBs must be reliable enough to ensure safe operation, as when required. High voltage circuit breaker technology has changed radically in the last 15 years. Minimum oil circuit breaker (MOCB), air blast circuit breaker and SF6 circuit breaker are mostly used for high voltage switchgear.


  • Endurance
  • Vacuum Interrupter, Current Transfer Conductor
  • Grounded Steel Safety Shutters
  • Breaker Rails
  • Direct Roll-In Beakers
  • Reduced Breaker Maintenance
  • Front Accessible Mechanism
  • Front Accessible CTs (5–38 kV)
  • Drawout Auxiliary Compartments
  • Fluidized Bed Epoxy Bus Insulation
  • Standardized Functional Designs
  • Protective Relays


Our reputation as a manufacturer of quality switchgear is backed by the number and diversity of global business that rely on us to support their switchgear needs. Our product development department, in collaboration with foreign Principals, is continuously striving to produce the most innovative and advanced design. We take pride in manufacturing and selling of switchgears in a short span of time to major residential and all types of industry.

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Jinnah Road, Saggian ByPass,
Lahore Pakistan.
Ph: 042-35023696
Fax: 042-35201215