LV & MV PFI Panels

PFI (Power Factor Improvement) Panel

Cubic Power System’s PFI Panels incorporate Intelligent Power Factor Controllers, low loss Capacitors, Capacitor Duty Contactors, MCB and MCCB to provide a comprehensive solution for measurement and improvement of the power quality with lower payback periods.

Depending on the load variation the PFI Panel automatically switches the externally/internally installed capacitor ON or OFF to bring it to the desired or preset value of power factor.

This integrated management of the load power factor results in enhanced power quality as well as other benefits like:

  • Optimum utilization of installed capacitor bank
  • Optimum utilization of demand
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Increased efficiencies
  • Higher capacitor and contactor life


  • Compact, stand alone / modular units
  • Micro processor Power Factor Relay
  • Capacitor duty contactors
  • Choice of the type of capacitor
  • Low Power loss
  • Short payback period
  • Digital indication of power factor, current, THD%
  • Automatic self-adjustment to any kVAr value
  • Monitoring of harmonics
  • Over-voltage protection
  • Optional communication port RS 485 with software


Our reputation as a manufacturer of quality switchgear is backed by the number and diversity of global business that rely on us to support their switchgear needs. Our product development department, in collaboration with foreign Principals, is continuously striving to produce the most innovative and advanced design. We take pride in manufacturing and selling of switchgears in a short span of time to major residential and all types of industry.

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Jinnah Road, Saggian ByPass,
Lahore Pakistan.
Ph: 042-35023696
Fax: 042-35201215